Think Green - Water refill solutions

Most running events require vast amounts of water for it's participants. We all want to make the world a better place to live in for future generations. We can make your event move in the right direction and look after your water eco solution.

eco Solutions

We can also help reduce your need for plastic bottles though 100% biodegradable Bamboo cups, compostable cups or even edible seaweed pods (used in London Marathon). Local authorities and Councils will require events to comply with environmental and water waste management in the future. Be ready and let us take care of your Eco needs.

Finish Line Solutions with Re fill cups. 

We can offer finish line eco solutions to reduce your need for plastic bottles.

You can hire or purchase our eco friendly cups made of Bamboo fibre to replace bottles. Simply fill our eco cups with water and have participants drop back into cup bank when they are finished.

Bamboo cups

Compostable cups

Disposable Cups

Ooho Pods


Advantages of bamboo fibre
  • Made of natural bamboo powder from plant
  • Non poisonous and 100% bio degradable if left behind at an event
  • The plant naturally re grows from its own roots
  • Does not need pesticides and Takes little water to grow,  reducing water consumption
  • Not fragile and dishwasher friendly
  • Reduces the need for plastic bottles etc.
  • these can be rented and placed into designated bins & returned to us
  • be purchased by organiser and branded for event and re – used
  • purchased with branding and lid/ sleeve to be converted into reusable copy cup (advantages – no clean up post race / participant keeps cup)
  • Reduces harmful plastics been released into environment.
  • Provides for less clean up and saves time.
  • Reduce costs by purchasing and using bulk water supply.
  • Reduce water waters and saves on consumption.
  • No need to worry about planning and logistics and we arrive with eco cups and take away immediately after the event.

Water Station Solutions

Many events will require water stations. We can offer you compostable disposable cups. Our compostable cups means that if any cups are left out on the course and are missed on the clean up they will naturally decompose. We can also provide cardboard boxed water that can be used to fill the cups. These boxes are also eco friendly and all elements of the boxbe recycled.

  • Reduces risk to the environment and dangers to wildlife and animals.
  • Reduce cost as only using the required amount as opposed to purchasing harmful non eco water bottles.
  • Reduces overall water consumtion.


Many events will require water stations. We can offer you compostable disposable cups. Our compostable cups means that if any cups are left out on the course and are missed on the clean up they will naturally de compose.

  • Reduces risk to the environment and dangers to wildlife and animals.
  • Reduce cost as only using the required amount as opposed to purchasing harmful non eco water bottles.
  • Reduces overall water consumtion.